
Macular Pucker

Macular Pucker

Macular Pucker services offered in Long Beach, CA

Macular pucker is a relatively common problem, affecting between 18-34% of adults. At Apex Retina Institute, located in Long Beach, California, board-certified ophthalmologist Darren Knight, MD, and the team provide high-quality care for macular pucker. After an exam, Dr. Knight can make personalized treatment recommendations to preserve your vision and improve your quality of life. Call Apex Retina Institute today to receive treatment for macular degeneration, or book your appointment online.

What is macular pucker?

Macular pucker causes your retina to change shape because of scarring. 

The retina is a piece of light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye that collects visual information and sends it to your brain for interpretation. If your retina experiences damage due to trauma or disease, macular pucker may distort your vision.

What are the symptoms of macular pucker?

Symptoms of macular pucker include:

  • Distorted central vision
  • Straight lines that appear wavy
  • Poor vision that doesn’t improve with eyeglasses or contacts
  • Double vision

Some people have macular pucker in one eye, and others have it in both.

What causes macular pucker?

Macular pucker occurs for various reasons, including:

Some people experience macular pucker after a retinal tear.

How is macular pucker diagnosed?

Dr. Knight reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and completes an eye exam. He then orders several special tests, including an Amsler grid eye test and optical coherence tomography (OCT). 

During an Amsler grid test, Dr. Knight asks you to look at a special chart with horizontal and vertical lines. This enables him to see if you have distorted vision.

OCT is an imaging test that takes photos of your retina. Dr. Knight uses OCT to check for noticeable scarring.

How is macular pucker treated?

Treatment of macular pucker depends on the severity of your symptoms and their effect on your quality of life. Often, minor scarring improves with lifestyle changes, like using better lighting when reading or purchasing a magnifying glass.

If you have severe scarring, Dr. Knight might recommend a procedure like a vitrectomy with membranectomy. This outpatient surgery removes the scar tissue from your retina, helping restore your vision.

Can macular pucker be prevented?

There’s no way to prevent macular pucker entirely, but you can reduce your risk by taking good care of your eyes. For example, if you have diabetes, it’s crucial you keep your blood sugar in check and visit Dr. Knight once a year for a diabetic eye exam. Likewise, always wear eye protection to prevent injuries if you work around tools or machinery.

Call Apex Retina Institute today to explore the treatment options for macular pucker, or make your appointment online.